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Category: Autoimmune Protocol

Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and AIP

Autoimmune Thyroid Disease is the most common cause of thyroid dysfunction in Australia, affecting around 10-15% of the population. The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is used to identify dietary triggers, reduce inflammation, and improve thyroid symptoms.
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Inflammatory Bowel Disease and AIP

The Autoimmune Protocol has been shown to be an effective adjunct to medical treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. While autoimmune diseases such as UC and Crohn's cannot be cured; the right diet and lifestyle management can help to improve symptoms, reduce the severity of IBD flares and maintain longer periods of remission.
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Diagnosing Autoimmune Disease

Diagnosing Autoimmune Disease

Not all Autoimmune Diseases cause symptoms immediately. It is possible to live with an AID for many years before symptoms become apparent or before an incident occurs that leads to an AID diagnosis.
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Reducing Inflammation In Autoimmune Disease

Inflammation can be both the cause of a health condition or else it may be a symptom, but either way, reducing inflammation is crucial to managing and overcoming chronic illness.
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Healing Your Gut is the 1st step to Reversing Autoimmune Disease

Research shows that the digestive condition known as leaky gut (or intestinal permeability) is a common factor in the biological mechanism that leads to the onset of autoimmune disease.
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